Friday, May 3, 2013

Moonbeam Kitten - My project to make this a children's book!

I had my sweetest female cat, Moonshine and a Seal Lynx Point Bengal, give birth to her first kitten about 10 days early on June 4 in 2009 and she was as tiny as a little white mouse (she is also a Seal Lynx Point colored Bengal as well and they are also referred to as "snow bengals") and Moonshine was a little freaked out with her very first and very tiny new baby and she allowed me to help her with it and that was the most rewarding and special experience I think I have ever had.  Because mother's milk doesn't come in for a day or two the kittens have been fed in the womb until they are born and need the colostrum they get at first but because this kitten was so tiny I felt she needed milk as well so I heated up kitten formula (actually it was a combination of kitten formula and powdered goat's milk as each has something the other doesn't) and Moonshine watched as I fed her baby the formula using an eye dropper and then I would give her back to "mommy" and she would nurse her and keep her warm.  She was so early she wasn't fully furred in and there was a lot of pink skin and it also showed more than it would with the more common brown spotted tabby marked Bengals.  Here is a photo of her when she was first born.  Isn't she tiny?
Moonshine the proud mom of the very tiny kitten.
Moonshine the proud mom of the very tiny kitten.
Moonbeam lived and thrived and here is a link to more photos of her in a series I call "Moonbeam Kitten Has A Cow" on a website I am creating to tell stories about the tiny miracle kitten that I took a whole lot of pictures of.
Another photo of Moonshine and Moonbeam
Moonshine Mom and her Moonbeam Kitten at 2 weeks old!
Moonshine Mom and her Moonbeam Kitten at 2 weeks old!

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