The black car crawls along the sandy dirt highway
heading to the ranch ahead. The surrounding sagebrush and cactus are barely
visible beyond the headlights. The lights of the house they are approaching are
nearly invisible on the horizon. A sliver of moon hovers over the desert as the
car glides down the road.
“Stop the
car. I see one.”
quickly hits the brakes. “I don’t see anything.”
Tom has a
large flashlight in his hand and he gives it to Sherrie. “It is over there
stretched out across the road. I want you to point this light right in front of
me and keep it there.”
takes the flashlight and turns it on as Tom gets out. She focuses the beam in
front of him as he walks around the car. She suddenly spots the rattlesnake
lying on the road. It is soaking up the warmth from the dirt that has absorbed
the hot desert sun all day.
attention. You need to keep the light right in front of me.” Tom yells at her.
trying. I really wish you wouldn’t do this.” She hadn't been too happy when Tom told
her of his plan to kill a rattlesnake so he can skin it and make a hatband.
She suggested that he purchase a snake skin instead of killing one himself. Tom
said they were too expensive and he has done it before. He used to live on the
“Hold the
light still.” Tom says as he takes out the shovel he put in the trunk when they
left the house earlier to go to the Antelope Valley Fair in Lancaster.
trying to. Don’t move so fast.”
about then the snake becomes aware it is being stalked and quickly coils up and
lashes out at Tom. Sherrie screams.
“Damn it!
Shine the light on the snake. Do you want me to get bit?”
“No. I
want you to quit!” She is freaking out after watching the rattler strike at
made that perfectly clear.” Then Tom lunges with the shovel and pins the snake
to the ground. “Shit, it just bit itself. Now we can’t eat it.”
is just glad he has stopped it from striking. She doesn’t care at all that the
meat of the snake is ruined. “That’s alright. Don’t you just want to use the
skin anyway?”
but I was hoping to eat it also. It really does taste like chicken.” Tom stabs
at the snake again to make sure it is dead. He picks it up and puts it in the
trunk of the car.
starts the car up and continues driving to the ranch. When they get there she
makes Tom walk in front of her as they go in the house. She doesn’t want to run
into another rattlesnake. After he escorts her inside the house he goes back to
the car and brings in the dead snake.
“One time
when I was a kid my mom ran over a big rattler on the way to town and I got out
and put it in the trunk. We went to the store and started the drive back to the
ranch. Mom spotted the snake on the back seat in her mirror and freaked out.
She stopped the car in the middle of the road and jumped out. I took a stick
and killed it but she didn’t want it in the trunk again. She made me sit on top
of the trunk all the way home holding the snake. Dad thought it was funny.”
“I don’t
blame her.” Sherrie watches as Tom skins the snake that he had already cut the
head off of. She couldn’t believe it as she watches the skinless and headless
snake meat coil up as if it were going to strike. The natural reflexes of this
creature are amazing. It truly is a prehistoric monster.
When she
went to bed that night she had a nightmare with a huge white snake striking at
her. She knew where that nightmare came from.
The next
day Tom’s parents host a barbeque for their friends and neighbors to celebrate
their son and his girlfriend coming to visit. They bought a lamb from one of
the neighbors and it is going to get buried in a pit to cook overnight. This
makes for a two day party.
first day everyone plays croquet and badminton on the sandy lawn area next to
the barbecue grill and pit. The games are played as teams and everyone takes
turns playing, eating and throwing chunks of wood into the fire. There is a
large grill that will roast chickens for dinner. The hot rocks are for
evening the lamb is stuffed with onions, garlic and chili peppers and homemade
salsa is poured over it. The lamb is wrapped in wet burlap and placed in the
rock pit next to the grill. Hot rocks are transferred into the pit in the sand.
The meat package is buried under more hot rocks and dirt.
The next
afternoon the party starts again and the lamb is uncovered and removed from the
pit. The sumptuous garlicky lamb is placed on the table along with fresh
tortillas and savory side dishes.
feasting Tom’s parents call everyone’s attention to Tom and his girlfriend. Tom
announces Sherrie and he are going to get married at the ranch in the summer
and everyone is invited. Cheers erupt and Tom walks around the back side of
He walks
right into a six foot long rattlesnake that is enjoying the heat provided by
the warm rocks that were removed from the pit. Before Tom has time to react the
huge snake twirls and lunges at him.
The snake
strikes him on the leg. No one has any weapons. They are all drinking and
The snake
rattles and strikes again. This time Tom manages to jump back and someone
throws a beer bottle at the snake. It makes a hasty retreat back through the
rocks where it entered the yard.
parents have a snake bite kit. After all they live in the Mojave Desert which
is also the home of many rattlesnakes.
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