Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Money Is Necessary For Happiness!

Yes it is true, money may not buy happiness but it is impossible to be happy without money. We live in a world that requires money to pay for a roof over our head and food to eat and those are two things that are the bare minimum requirements in order to be happy. Almost everything else (I did say almost) that costs money can be optional in the happiness factor but food and shelter are not an option. If I can’t eat and the rain is falling on my head I am not going to be happy. As far as the question of “if money makes you happy does more money make you happier” and the answer to that is that it can and it cannot, it just depends on the individual needs of every one of us to be happy. I do believe there is merit to the old Abraham Lincoln quote that “people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. It is true that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink and the goes for happiness, you can present a person everything there is in the world that should make them happy but there is not guaranty that it will. Happiness is a decision, now being unhappy because of tragedy is not, the only decision you have in the face of adversity is how much you are willing to let the bad things that will always happen to some degree affect your life. There have been a lot of times in my life that negative has begat negative but there have been other times with the positive things in my life begat other positive things. The biggest problem I have run into is that when things are going badly it is very hard to summon the “positive” atoms of the universe to rally for me. It does seem as though the negative forces have a little more power sometimes, I have always likened it to the power of gravity, if you drop something it will fall because of gravity and I think that negativity is sort of intertwined with gravity. What goes up must come down and I think that this happens with our moods and life’s circumstances because left to nature things will come down, they don’t come up without help and therein lays the problem. As human beings that I think are happiness seeking creatures by nature we get bogged down with unhappiness and have trouble rising from it. I do believe that putting oneself in a positive environment is very necessary to overcoming adversity but that is way easier said than done a lot of the time. I do think that when bad things happen the best thing to do is plan for the best possible outcome of the situation and do everything you can do to make it happen, as difficult as it might be. It is kind of like betting on the come line, I will not pretend to be an expert at craps but my understanding of the come line is that you are trying to produce a favorable result by forcing the odds. I have done this in “real life” by writing checks to pay vendors that my company owed while counting on the money that the customer owed our company for the vendor’s products to come in the mail in time to cover the checks and I was amazed at much of the time that when I counted on this in this positive manner of wanting to make the vendor happy by paying him that the customer that owed us in order for us to pay him really worked, more times than I can chalk up to coincidence. I believe the positivism of the transactions made the money come through to cover them, I don’t believe if I just written a check to pay the rent I would have gotten the same cosmic reaction.  The pass line bet is an even money bet, while that is not a loss it is not a win either, which is kind of like playing it safe and that frequently doesn’t seem to stimulate the universe to work in a positive way. These are just some of the things I wonder about in the nature of the universe about the way things turn out sometimes.

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