Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Who Did Phil Piss Off?

I watched Katie Couric today and it had Phil Spector’s wife on it and it made me remember that I had a lot of curiosity about how he was convicted of murder and not accidental death at the most. I remember, vaguely, when Phil Spector was arrested for killing a woman at his home. I remember that he looked guilty because of his strange and exotic appearance, which in Hollywood should not be allowed to be a factor but unfortunately in the court of public opinion you can be tried and convicted of a crime based on how you look. We all do it to a point, we look at someone who is odd looking when they are charged with a crime and we think “wow, they look really freaky, they must be guilty” and sometimes they are. But look at Michael Jackson, he also got convicted in the court of “weird looks” and then basically got off with a not guilty and from what has come out after his death it looks like he may have been guiltier that he was convicted of, but he was “Michael Jackson” so guilty or innocent he was supported by his fans but when you look at some of the times he showed up in court with his pajamas on or incoherent it sort of surprised me he got off of some of the things he was charged with. Then you take Phil Spector who really only committed the crime of being extremely eccentric and very weird before he was charged with the death of the woman in his house that the evidence seemed to point to the fatal wound might have been self-inflicted.  As to the statement that Clarkson had given no indication that she was suicidal, I am sorry but I have known 4 people who killed themselves and not one of them called me up before they did to tell me they were happy or that they weren’t going to kill themselves. One person came to see me a day before he killed himself and failed to mention he was thinking about doing so. In my experience the people who don’t really want to kill themselves are the ones that don’t say anything about it but screw up in getting the details of their suicide “right” and the ones that do say something are usually asking for help to not commit suicide. And then there is statement of “Why would someone who was just about to shoot themselves go out and buy multiple pairs of shoes?” Well if the suicide was a spur of the moment decision no one would have told her not to buy the shoes, as I would be willing to bet most people don’t “not buy anything” because they might kill themselves later, how stupid does that sound? The trial heard expert testimony that people rarely kill themselves on the spur of the moment, and almost never at the home of a stranger but that in itself is just a statement that is not backed up by any evidence. Phil Spector may or may not be guilty but I feel he was convicted more because he was a rich “weird person” who no one sympathized with. I have ridden horses since I was a little girl and whenever it rained I always had a very hard time getting my wet, then dry, leather gloves on my hands because they always would shrink when they got damp! O.J got away with bloody gloved murder so who did Phil piss off?

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