Sunday, September 1, 2013


I watched a documentary style movie made about the making of the movie “Deep Throat”.  I know there is a theatrical movie just coming out about the life of Linda Lovelace, who was the “star” of the porno movie “Deep Throat”. I had never seen a porn movie and at the age of 23 I had a boyfriend who had also never seen one, and he was 7 years older than I was, so we decided to remedy that situation. Now I really hate bad movies, it always pisses me off when I go see a movie and it is bad. I guess that should be a clue that I wasn’t going to be very impressed with porno movies but I wasn’t a prude, just a movie snob, so Greg and I went and saw two movies that were showing at our local “indie” film theater. They were “Behind the Green Door” and “Deep Throat”, they were infamous so we figured we should see them. Boy, were we wrong, they were terrible movies and it had nothing to do with the sex. A movie with no plot and bad acting is by every definition I know a very bad movie and these two movies were no exception! Greg agreed that they were bad movies and the only other porn movie we ever watched was one he rented for a bachelor party called “Debbie Does Dallas” and it was equally as stupid. My hating these movies has nothing to do with the sex it is because they are terrible movies. This documentary was terribly silly and very over dramatic, if it is giving me any clues as to what material is going to be presented in the movie “Lovelace” then I will pass. They presented her story, she was a self-abusive battered woman, and why is she any more tragic than any other battered woman? It is too bad she was one of them but no more tragic than anyone else’s story. I do have to say that Harry Reems (the male porn star Linda played opposite to) really missed his calling, he could have been a great comedian. The events in the documentary regarding arresting the people who made the movie seem rather silly now but in the early 1970’s our country was going through larger morality issues than would ever be considered a big deal now, but times change fortunately. The ending of the documentary actually pissed me off, they made comments that pornography made Linda Lovelace get taken advantage of, I’m sorry but Linda let herself get advantage of, she was not held hostage while she made the movie. I am sorry that she didn’t make any money off of the movie but it is no more of a tragic story than anybody’s life is that doesn’t work out the way that someone wants it to. They made a comment that she died in a car wreck and was broke, what in the world do those 2 things have to do with each other. They said everyone else made money from the movie but her, but what did that have to do with her dying after a car wreck? Another attempt at sensationalism which we have way too much of in this world and I am tired of it. I have been screwed over every bit as much as her and no one makes a big tragedy about all of the wrong things that have happened to me. I just thought that it is an unfortunate part of life and really does occur in almost all walks of life and in many different ways. Life is hard and not necessarily fair for most people. 

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